Inside The Cocoon: Meet the Hosts Who Make It Special

Nick and May - Your Hosts at The Cocoon Hostel Koh Samet

At The Cocoon Hostel, we pride ourselves on creating a warm, inviting atmosphere for every guest who steps through our doors. But who are the people behind this cozy Koh Samet hostel? Get to know your hosts, Nick and May, as they share a little about themselves, their journey, and their passion for making your stay unforgettable!

“I’m originally from a small town just outside Liverpool in England. I’ve always had the travel bug, and in 2009, I bought a motorbike and set off around India and Southeast Asia. I even worked in Australia for a bit. Eventually, I found myself back in England, stuck in a regular office job, and I hated it. I knew I wasn’t cut out for that kind of life. I missed the freedom and adventure I’d experienced while traveling, so I packed my bags again and got a teaching job in Thailand. That’s where I met May, fell in love, and the rest is history! Now, Koh Samet is where we’ve made our home.”

“I’m originally from Lampang, up in northern Thailand, but I moved to Bangkok for work. My family all worked for the Metropolitan Electrical Authority, and they thought I would follow in their footsteps. But the truth is, I didn’t enjoy office life at all. At first, my family wasn’t thrilled with my decision to leave, but it ended up being the best choice I ever made. Moving away from that path opened up so many doors for me, and eventually led me to where I am now, running The Cocoon with Nick.”

Q: How did the two of you meet?

“My brother was visiting me in Thailand, so I decided to take him to Koh Samet for a little island escape. One evening, we ended up at Gecko Bar, and that’s where I first saw May, sitting at the bar having a drink. I’ll admit, I was a bit too shy to approach her at first, but luckily my brother wasn’t! He started chatting with her and eventually introduced us. We hit it off right away, and later that night I messaged her saying I’d love to see her again. To my delight, she agreed. I came back to the island a couple of weeks later—on my birthday, no less—and May made it such a special day. It was clear we had something special, and the rest is history!”

“We met at Gecko Bar, and I remember Nick seemed different from the usual foreigners you see at the bar. He wasn’t just there to chat up girls—he was genuine, and we got along really well. When he told me he wanted to see me again, I didn’t really believe he would come back. I was surprised when he kept his word! He showed up on the island again, and now here we are, life partners and business partners!”

Q: What inspired you to open a hostel on Koh Samet?

“Since the first time I arrived in Thailand, I’ve always had this dream of owning a business on one of the islands. It was something May and I talked about a lot, but it never quite felt like it could really happen. Then, the property we’re in now came onto the market, and I just knew I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. I’ve stayed in countless hostels during my travels, and May has years of experience as a hotel manager, so it felt like everything just fell into place. It was the perfect chance to bring our skills and passions together.”

“I’ve been on Koh Samet for a long time now, always working for other people. Deep down, I knew I had what it takes to run a successful hospitality business, but I hadn’t found the right moment. When Nick and I started talking about opening a place together, we realized we had the same vision for the future. Then, when this property came on the market, we knew it was the perfect time to make our dream a reality. Everything aligned, and we haven’t looked back since!”

Q: What makes your hostel unique compared to others on the island?

“For me, it was all about getting the basics right. I’ve stayed in plenty of hostels that rely too much on flashy gimmicks but don’t focus enough on the essentials. When I stay in a hostel, I want a good night’s sleep, comfort, a sense of community, and great value. So we put all our starting budget into making sure the bunks, showers, aircon—everything—were as comfortable and high-quality as possible. Now, I’m excited to watch the personality of the hostel grow naturally as the guests who stay here help shape its culture and atmosphere.”

“I think what sets us apart is our location and the fact that Nick and I are both so involved in running it. We’re just a couple of minutes’ walk from the pier, a few minutes from the beach, and surrounded by bars, restaurants, and massage shops. It’s the perfect spot for a hostel! Plus, with my local knowledge and Nick’s years of experience as a hostel guest, we bring a combination that most other places can’t match.”

Q: What do you love most about living on Koh Samet?

“I used to live in Bangkok, but I’ve never been a big city guy at heart. I love the laid-back lifestyle here on Koh Samet and the strong sense of community. It’s a small island, so you really get to know the people around you, which is something I appreciate. Plus, living just minutes from beautiful tropical beaches? That’s a pretty amazing perk!”

“I’ve been here for so long that most of my closest friends live here now. There’s something special about that. And since Samet is such a great island, my friends from the mainland often come to visit as well, which I love. It’s nice to have that balance between island life and being able to see people from other parts of Thailand.”

Q: What are some of your favorite places to visit on the island?

“I’ve got a few favorite spots for sure. Hay Ha Bar on Sai Keow Beach is one of my go-tos, and Gecko Bar will always have a special place in my heart because it’s where I first met May. During the day, I love exploring the quieter beaches down toward the south of the island. There are some real hidden gems that are perfect for escaping the crowds and just relaxing.”

“I have a lot of close friends here, so I really enjoy going to their homes and having traditional Thai food, BBQs, or whatever they’re cooking that day. That’s my favorite way to spend an evening. During the day, though, I do have a favorite beach, but I’m keeping it a secret so it doesn’t get too crowded! If you visit us at the hostel, maybe I’ll show you where it is!”

Q: What are your future plans for the hostel and your life on Koh Samet?

“The immediate plan is to get through a full high and low season cycle and see how things go. I’ve set some targets, and if we hit them, I’d love to expand by buying a nearby guesthouse so we can offer private rooms in addition to dorms. And who knows? If we do really well, maybe one day I’ll achieve the dream of owning a hotel right on the beach!”

“Nick and I talk about the future a lot, and we’re completely in sync with where we want to take this. We’ve got big dreams, and I’m excited to see where this journey takes us together.”

Q: What do you hope guests take away from their stay at your hostel?

“I hope guests leave with the feeling that we genuinely love making their stay enjoyable. When someone chooses to stay with us, it’s more than just a transaction—we feel a responsibility to make their time here memorable. I want them to see that a lot of love and care goes into what we’ve built and how we run the hostel. We’re passionate about creating a great experience for every guest.”

“Koh Samet is my home, and I take a lot of pride in living here. I hope guests leave the island with the same feeling I had when I first arrived all those years ago—completely captivated by its beauty and charm. If they take that with them, then I know we’ve done something right.”

Call To Action

Ready to embark on your ultimate island adventure? Check availability and make your reservation now! Book now! We can’t wait to welcome you to Koh Samet!.

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